Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the BVF Board, please, feel very welcome to our 11th Annual Meeting.
Having experienced a long period of social distancing, due to the Covid-19 pandemic crisis, finally, we will have a post-isolation chance to meet on-line and to share our scientific and other considerations from the last year and more.
Prof. Giannoukas and his team have supported us by providing with the on-line platform and the program arrangement parallel to the EVF 2021 Forum, so first, I want to say: “Thank
Thus, our session will be conducted a little late for our latitude, but I hope that all of you will keep your interest and will be patient enough to watch all lectures and presentations to the very
The oncoming event program involves two scientific parts, including 13 presentations up to 7 min. long, as well as a few minutes discussion.
We will have four distinguished lecturers as follows: Armando Mansilha, Christos Karathanos, Louay Altarazi, Pier Luigi Antignani.
I hope that this meeting will contribute to upgrade our knowledge in favor of our patients’ care!
Looking forward to virtually meet all of you,
Dr. Elena Goranova
President of the Balkan Venous Forum
Free registration is provided only for the BVF program at the link: